Entitled "Art's Popping Up", the approved design includes “floating frames” on an abstract art noveau, nature-themed background. Utilizing the same design format used by the Azalea Park Mosaic League, each floating frame will contain original works of art by community members.
Mosaic for gateway sign, at the main entrance of Azalea Park. The mosaic design goal was to highlight assets already existing in the community, such as the hand carved tree-themed wooden plaques that correlate to the street names and its beautiful canyons.
It took diligence and determination in working with the City to see this project completed from its inception and through all the funding, designing, engineering and fabrication. This artist is proud to have kept the vision for the solar lighting throughout the process. Framed artworks are sandblasted on ceramic tile by artists within the neighborhood, some depicting the botanical street names, some favorite things about Azalea Park. They pop out of an Art Noveau background, a style of art inspired by the curved lines of plants and flowers. A drop shadow is created by leaving larger spaces between tiles for the black grout. The rainbow of color is created from hand-cut stained glass and represents unity and diversity. It wraps around all four sides in a continuous flow.
A community design input meeting using the Pomegranate Process was held to discuss community values and ideas for the mosaics. A design incorporating input from this meeting was presented to the Neighborhood Association and unanimously approved. Vicki Leon led the community in working with the sign designer and the City from inception to completion. Lead artist on the mosaic. It was expressed in community meetings that the nighttime appearance of the sign was as important as the daytime appearance to welcome people home to the neighborhood after a long day of work. The mosaic is specially designed for a high play of light which is very exciting as the night traffic interacts. The sign is lit with color changing LED; Green was selected to celebrate the neighborhood's prized green spaces, canyons and parks. The mosaic is up-lighted with white LED, while the green light fades down upon it.

Utilizing the Pomegranate Process to create a lasting legacy for Azalea Park.

The first of four sides coming together

The sign begins to show signs of life (detail pre-grout)

Each side seamlessly blends to the next, symbolizing unity and self expression

After two years of weekly gatherings, the sign is complete

The display at night was just as important as daytime, and designed to interact with the street and traffic lights